The description of Melanie’s appearance is as follows.
A. Features and Advantages of Scarlet
摘 要
B. What to Learn from Scarlet
“Self-trust is the first secret of success”, said Emerson. It is known that one’s life couldn’t go smoothly without difficulty. Difficulties or frustration are the obstacles on the road to success. Now that we can not avoid these terrible factors, why not be confident to overcome them. Scarlet always said “tomorrow is another day”. Why can not the women say that “Today I meet and fight against the difficulties, tomorrow I will meet the success?” There is a saying that confidence is half the success. Be confident means that you should also be optimistic. Confident and optimistic people
Before attending a party or dance hall, one important and necessary thing women can not neglect is to make themselves up. For example, before going out to an appointment with your costumers or friends especially male friends, women should chose a suitable dress or suit and with a suitable making up. You can use a lipstick to have charming lips. But remember not to have a heavy making up. Making up lightly is also a sign of respect for others. Nowadays in interviews some employers say that during the job interview, the company is more willing to choose those who make up suitably. They say that girls’ making up is the social etiquette. It does not mean that the employers look down upon the girls who do not make up just because whether a girl makes up reflects her social knowledge and culture of sense.
can bravely face the terrible difficulties. When you have thought out a dream or plan you should have the confidence to realize it. Don’t just think every day. Women may dream that one day they will be a rich, elegant lady with fashionable dresses and expensive jewelries. But they seldom put their heart into making them come true. Because they do not believe themselves. Why can Scarlet do everything she dreams of? Because she is a confident woman. Charles Chaplin said “you have to believe in yourself. That is the secret of success”. Nothing in the world is too difficultif you put your heart into it.
voice as she crossed and face the curious, malicious covertly hostile crowd. How neatly Melanie had scotched the scandal, keeping Scarlet at her side all through the dreadful evening! People were somewhat bewildered, but they were polite.
To be innovative, women should collect the current information about what is a promising job. Knowledge is necessary. Nowadays the society is one with information. Women should read magazines, newspapers or spend enough time in searching information through Internet. It will be easier for you to succeed if you gain information before others. So innovation is the key for women’ success.
Besides beautiful appearance, unique character is also important for us to learn from Scarlet. Scarlet could express bravely her passion to her beloved man, regardless of others’ criticism. She made a beautiful dress out of the old curtain during the war time. She could go down to work in the cotton filed; she could kill the enemy herself
B. to Learn from Melanie and Use One’s Internal Beauty to Win Others’ Respect and Trust
Women should believe that men are not the only persons who can do the job; women can also do it and even do it better than men. Scarlet could run the mill which was considered as men’s work. Women in today’ society can also do such kind of work which is traditionally regarded as only men’s work.
people who become rich overnight. Some one has once said that at the beginning there is no way in the world, but the roads are formed when there are more and more people walking on it. However when too many people walk on the same road, the road disappears. This saying is quite philosophical. Then how to find a new road when there is no way for us to walk? The answer is “to be innovative”!
Women should not only respect husbands but also the children. In today’s society there are some cases that the mother or the father read the child’s private letters or diaries, which is against the law. Every person has his own secret which he does not want to be found by others including the parents. Even though the parents say that they do this because they love children and care about their growth and do not want them to get into the trouble. But children also have something belonging to their own. So respect is also important to the happiness of a harmonious family.