正:Anesthetic Manangement for carotid Surgery
下面是修饰词位置不妥的例子:Toxoplasmosis in Humans Derived from Cats正确的写法是:Toxoplasmosis Derived from Cats in Humans
作者还要留意文题中词意上的重叠,如Tuaumatic Injuries of the Inferior Vena Cava;Surgical Postoperative Bleeding Associated with Aspirin Ingestion;Sterilization with IUD Contraception.
Factors Influencing Primary Liver Cancer Resection Survival Rate较量好的写法是:Factors Influencing Survival Rate After Resection of Primary Liver Cancer
有些作者在文题中喜欢用非英语词汇(包罗拉丁语,虽然个体有破例)。有些医学术语是以地名和人名来定名的,但不常用,因此在文题中利用好像不当。譬喻:Cotunnius’disease是指坐骨神经痛(sciatica),有谁知道呢?恐怕很少读者在阅读医学杂志目次时重复查辞书的吧!读者只求迅速得到常识,所以文题要写得详细清楚,如A Complication of Translumbar Aortography中间complication是什么呢?改成Aortic Dissection after Translumbar Aortography就大白多了。
正:Insulinoma:Diagnostic and Therapeutic Experience in 60 Cases
又如:Severe Respiratory Tract Erosive Burns 可改为:Severe Erosive Burns of the Respiratory Tract 冗繁A 29-year-old Man with Miliary Pulmonary Patten on Radiologic Examination其实取后半部门文字文字作文题就够了:Miliary Pulmonary Patten on Radiologic Examination
不合逻辑 Prevention of Sudden Death…… 介词利用不妥
又如:Cars Blamed for Pollution by Scientist正确的写法是:Cars Blamed by Scientist for Pollution名词堆砌
清楚,恍惚不清的文题往往会给读者和做索引的人带来贫苦和未便。如下面一个文题The Effects of Vioform on Its Onset中间的不定代词所有格“Its”很费解。
正:Clinical Research on Dibutytryl Cyclic AMP in Psoriasis
文题中经常可以删去不须要的冠词(a,an和the)和多余的说明性短语:studies of;observation on;investigation of;evaluation of ;experimental report of;development of;use of ;treatment of …
The Effect of Diet on Stotistical Rish in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.可写成:Coronary Artery Disease: Diet and Statistical Risk.
误:Surgery in Congenital Choledochus Cyst
譬喻:Long-Term Digitalis Therapy Improves left Ventricular Function in Heart Failure
误:Insulinoma:Diagnostic and Therapeutic Experience with 60 Cases
误:Anesthetic Manangement of carotid Surgery
误:Clinical Research of Dibutytryl Cyclic AMP in Psoriasis
A Double-Blind Trial of Low Doses of Subcutaneous Heparin in the Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis after Myocardial Infarction:Prevention by Heparin.
正:Surgery for Congenital Choledochus Cyst