Born in post-war Vienna, the city in which Sigmund Freud once lived (whose former working room is just one courtyard away from my institute), I studied in Beijing from 1974 to 75 and worked in a People’s Commune and a steel factory. As a sinologist and Austrian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna, I have studied Zhuangzi’s famous “Butterfly Dream” and witnessed China’s breathtaking development since the final phase of the“cultural revolution.”
China’s role in our era, after its power and glory in past millennia, after its humiliation in the 19th century, after its painful experiences in the 20th century with its fundamental self-reflections on its own culture — from negation to affirmation — is still going to find its positioning in the global arena, causing admiration and uneasiness, both in China itself as well as in the outside world. If it is the common aim of humankind to establish an international environment based on rationality and mutual respect — facing the past, managing the present, and safeguarding the living conditions for the future — the contribution of China might be a great one indeed, not only due to its vast population, but due to its heritage in wisdom and cultural achievements. The legacy of a nation is not only written in books or stored in digital archives. The common knowledge and cultural memory shared by a community includes the lofty achievements as well as the memory of catastrophes and errors. An international community that aims for win-win situations must join in international and intercultural education schemes that go far beyond present dimensions, must inspire the youngest to realize what it means to exist on this earth — be it in China, in Europe or elsewhere, must bring enthusiasm to the population to appreciate the material and immaterial world, must enable individuals to have visions and imaginations, must lead people to find the right balance between idealism and realism. Then, dreams — Chinese, American, local and global ones — will not just be Freudian dreams or even nightmares but creative contributions towards a world dialogue, a dialogue between nations, cultures and individuals.(节选)
In our globalizing world with rapidly growing interdependencies, pure intercultural communication alone is not enough. Based on understanding one’s own culture, it is increasingly necessary to learn and understand other cultures. Facing one’s own history and the present state of society, the establishment of a world community that is ethically entitled to live on this tiny, vulnerable planet in the never ending universe, should be the “Shared Dream of Humankind”, in which all the dreams of individuals, of nations, of philosophers and of “ordinary people” find space and respect. The global communication structures provide the technical equipment. It is the duty of nations and the political elites in all parts of the world to optimize the networks for the benefit of the whole in accordance with the necessities and benefits of its particular entities, or to formulate it the other way round: to bring forth the development of a nation by creating a win-win situation for global development. The question is: how to share resources today and how to save resources for future generations. Win-win situations can only be achieved in a peaceful environment. The traditional Chinese concept of a holistic view of things and an approach that considers the body as more than the sum of its parts may be a methodological perspective to face the numerous contradictions humankind is confronted with today.
cultures and in论文范文dividuals.(节选)
毕业论文库:英语 时间:2016-10-19 点击: